Is it possible to exceed the time limit specified by Brazilian Standard NBR 7212 for mixing and transporting concrete?

  • Eduardo Polesello
  • Abrahão Bernardo Rohden
  • Denise Carpena Coitinho Dal Molin
  • Angela Borges Masuero


Brazilian standard NBR 7212 sets a time limit of 150 minutes for a concrete load to be discharged in full. In practice, situations arise where mixer trucks have to hold their load for much longer periods. The main aim of this paper is to assess changes in the compressive strength of concrete that is used when the time limit for mixing and transport specified by standard NBR7212 is exceeded. To this end, concrete was mixed for a period of 6 hours, and a superplasticizer was added at intervals to restore slump to its initial value. Results show that compressive strength is not affected by the prolongued mixing in the conditions of this research.