Analysis of the influence of the sugar cane bagasse ashes of varieties SP911049, SP816949 and RB92579 on mechanical behavior of concrete

  • Zodinio Laurisa Monteiro Sampaio
  • Paulo Alysson Brilhante Faheina Souza
  • Bruno Guida Gouveia


Concrete is the second most consumed product in the world and the incorporation of agro-industrial waste to this material, such as Sugar Cane Bagasse Ash (SBA) , can provide solutions for the utilization of by-products from other industries, thus reducing the environmental impact. The main objective of this paper was to analyze the mechanical behavior of concrete containing SBA from three different species of cane sugar (SP911049, SP816949 and RB92579) by testing consistency , voids , absorption , porosity and compressive strength . Were produced 13 specimens of standard concrete and for each SBA content (10%, 20% and 30%) of the three varieties collected, totaling 130 samples of concrete. We employed a mix proportion 1:2:3 (cement: sand: gravel) over the mass of cement with a water / cement ratio of 0.532 and 1% Tec Mult 400 Additive also based on the weight of cement. The results showed that the variety of cane sugar, used in the production the SBA, influenced the mechanical behavior of the resulting concrete. All concrete with addition of SBA showed a reduction of at least 10% in the properties related to permeability and an increase in compressive strength of up to 20% compared to standard concrete after 28 days. The use of the SBA addition the concrete proved to be a very feasible option in improving the mechanical properties of concrete for use in normal constructions and also an appropriate destination to the agro-industrial by-product.