Analysis of the Braking Longitudinal Force considered by NBR7187 (2003) through a Case Study

  • Giada Claudia Bettazzi
  • Tatiana Bittencourt Dumêt


This paper analyzed the mechanical behavior of a railway bridge by the Finite Element Method and by monitoring with extensometry of the strains measured during its operation. To represent the situations that occur in its operation, tests were made with train braking. The results of monitoring of cross section of base of column P15 of the bridge are presented. Based on the obtained data, the check if the deformations occurring during the tests are not or in accordance with the calculated number by the method and the prescribed in NBR 7187(2003) was made. The comparison between the real behavior of the structure, recorded experimentally through extensometry and the numerical forecast and its assumptions from the project conceived was done. From this comparison, it verified if the value of longitudinal force due to braking recommended by the standard is appropriate.