A new approach to estimate compressive strength of concrete by the UPV method

  • Roberto Caldas de Andrade Pinto Federal University of Santa Catarina
  • Ivo José Padaratz Federal University of Santa Catarina


Although the ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) method has been extensively used to estimate concrete compressive strength, the relationship between UPV and concrete strength is mixture dependent. As a result, the applicability of this method to estimate strength is well known to be limited. Aggregate type, cement type, mixture proportions, and water-cement ratio influence such a relationship. Nevertheless, UPV and strength are both governed by cement hydration, and thus, a relationship between UPV in the cement paste phase and concrete compressive strength would be expected to exist. By not taking into account the type and volume content of aggregates, this relationship could be the same for concrete mixtures with same type of cement and water-cement ratio, regardless the aggregate type used. This study investigates the existence of such a relationship that could be applied to several concrete mixtures, greatly expanding the use of the UPV method to estimate compressive strength.

Biografía del autor/a

Roberto Caldas de Andrade Pinto, Federal University of Santa Catarina
Civil Engineering Department Non Destructive Testing
Ivo José Padaratz, Federal University of Santa Catarina
Civil Engineering Department Non Destructive Testing