Adaptive procedure for camber control of forward cantilever structures

  • Mariella Falcao Santos Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
  • Bernardo Horowitz


In forward cantilever structures segments are constructed from previous ones therefore, construction loads must be carried by the partially completed structure. As the cantilever is moved forward deformations increase and corrections must be applied during the construction phase. In camber control corrective displacements are applied to compensate for deformations. The proposed procedure assimilates topographical survey data collected at each construction stage to update the structural model by minimizing the differences between real and computed displacements. Concrete material properties are used as design variables in an optimization process that drives them to values that better represent the material actually used in construction. This is an iterative process where new data are assimilated at each new structural deformed configuration. New camber values are computed and applied to segments that will be cast in the future in such a way as to reach the desired final design profile. The use of the procedure conduces to residual displacements no greater than 5% of the total deformation without camber.